The benefits of smoking electronic cigarettes compared to regular tobacco cigarettes are HUGE, to say the least. Here's a list that we here at Electrocigstore have compiled.
* Smoke anywhere! Restaurants, bars, night-clubs, airports, bus stations, office, home, hotels, movie theaters, confrence rooms, we have even heard reports of people smoking their electronic cigarettes on AIRPLANES!
* No tar, tobacco, carbon-monoxide, in fact, electronic cigarettes contain about 1400 less chemicals than regular tobacco cigarettes
* Control your nicotine level. Whether you're trying to quit or just reduce, electronic cigarettes let YOU choose how much nicotine , you can still curb your cravings since you'll be able to continue the smoking habit...just without the nicotine!
* No more smelly clothes
* No more bad breath or stained yellow teeth, your dentist and doctor will love you for it!
* Won't damage skin
* The freedom to smoke around love ones and children without worrying about second hand smoke. Since electronic cigarettes contain no tobacco there is no need to worry about bothering others nearby. This can be great especially in an office setting.
* Save money. People that switch to electronic cigarettes can expect to pay about $1.50 per cartridge (not on our site !!), which is comprable to a pack of cigarettes.
* Non-Flammable. No more burns in couches and car seats.
* Easy to use
* Tobacco-like flavors
* ...and many more, but don't take our word for it, try it yourself! The only thing you have to lose is the harmful effects of tobacco products!